the beauty of God's Nature

the beauty of God's Nature
welcome to my blog

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


 When you hear that God loves us, He does not love us as a group of people on earth, He loves us individually with our different characters and weaknesses. So is God faithful to us individually,the Bible says that even if we become unfaithful to him He will remain faithful to us. I learn that  when i go to God in prayer, ,he looks at my heart to see how sincere i am about the prayers am making.
  Two months ago i was very sick and i was literally rushed to the hospital because the infection i had caused me to bleed a lot and i was in need of blood. I was like the woman in the Bible who had been bleeding for  12years, only i had been  bleeding for almost two months. The doctors did all they could, gave me all the medicines they could find, but after three weeks  it  started all over again.
    It is really amazing  but God  uses bad situations  for the glory of His  name and for the good of His people. It so happened that a prayer retreat had been organized and i went for it , at that retreat Jesus Christ healed me and the bleeding stopped, now am whole.
    The same Jesus that healed people in the Bible still heals today and He wants to heal you today! You may not be sick physically but you have a  broken and heavy heart, Jesus can heal that too. The Bible says a broken and contrite spirit He will not despise. All you need to do is to call on Him, He is closer to you than you could ever think or imagine.All God wants from you is a little faith, small as  a mustard  seed and He  will restore you.

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