the beauty of God's Nature

the beauty of God's Nature
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Friday, April 1, 2011


 It is said that the only crime that Jesus Christ committed was loving us. You can never understand why someone can keep on doing something wrong and God keeps on loving them.Am sure you have found your self in a situation were you keep on doing something wrong and you wonder if God at any moment is going to strike you dead.The Bible says that all have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God, that God's grace is sufficient for you and that God can never let you go through something that you cant  handle.You might be thinking right  now that you have failed to handle it but God is  saying to you that the power and strength you need is inside of you.
    First there is need for faith to arise in you again, remember without faith you cant please God. Stop listening to the lies of the devil that there is no way out, the devil has aways been a lier, nothing true ever comes from him. Stop condemning your self, Jesus did not come to condemn the world but to save it. God might not be happy about what you are doing but he wants to save you from it because He knows you are not happy about it either. One thing i know is that God will never stop loving us, He will never abandon you because of anything, remember nothing can ever separate us from the love of God .Be encouraged , approach God's throne in boldness to obtain the grace you need in time of need, Jesus  is full of mercy and grace which will never come to an end.

1 comment:

  1. Just when I was sure im done with everything.....all has failed.....I read this! Thank you, you don't know how inspiring that is. Beautiful piece.
