A famous story is told of how a man went to heaven and met with Jesus. As the Lord showed him his life journey, the man saw that each path he had walked, two pairs of feet were moving.
‘Whose other feet were those?’ the man asked.
‘They were mine; I walked with you all your life.’
When they came to a point in the man’s life when he had lost his wife and confusion had taken over his life, there was only one pair of feet moving.
‘But Lord’ the man exclaimed ‘At my lowest moment in life, you abandoned me, I walked alone!’
‘No my son, those were my feet, I carried you all the way, you were too weak to walk’
There is no moment in our lives that we shall not be faced with some fear or anxiety, the only difference is how you react or choose to handle it. Fear is often described as False Evidence Appearing Real. So yes, when you are anxious about something, it is a lie of the devil appearing real. The only real truth is that God is in control of everything that goes on in our lives and He’s able to move in every situation that is bothering you.
The opposite of fear is faith. Don’t do the opposite of what God is telling you to do. The Bible says that without faith we cannot please God. In every bad situation you face, don’t cry out in fear, cry out in faith to God because that will move him. The Bible says that those who come to him must trust that he exists and rewards those who diligently seek him.
Mathew 10:28 says that, don’t be afraid of those who kill the body but can’t kill the soul. Are you afraid of things or people who look like they have power and authority over you? Don’t! Because it’s actually God who controls the world, everything happens only when he lets it.
Hebrews 13:5, 6 says that be content because God has said that He will never leave us or forsake us, no man can do anything to you. Some times fears come because you compare yourself with other people and wanting what they have yet God has made you different. He will provide all our needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
When you find your self afraid, pray. Psalm 34:4 says that when we seek the Lord, He hears us, He hears you too.
Philippians 4:6 tells us not to be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and petition, with thanks giving present your requests to God. Are you praying about what is making you anxious or are you running to other people for help? Cry out to God, He will fill your heart with peace and sound wisdom to go through it all.
Recognize your true nature. 2Timothy 1:7 says that God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind. Don’t meditate on your fears, meditate on the kind of spirit God has given you which is power over every obstacle of the enemy, love which covers a multitude of sins and a sound mind to think straight and walk in line with His word.
I love what my favorite speaker Joyce Meyer always says, God has given us power to do what He tells us to do. A mother of a three year old can not send her to carry a table and bring it to her, she will send her for a spoon or a cup because she or he will be able to carry it. The same with God, when He tells you not to be afraid and to do a particular thing, step out in boldness because the power to do it has been instilled in you.
1Peter 5:7 says cast all your fears on Him because He cares for you. God still cares and loves you even when you go through fears that you imagine came about because of your carelessness. He will love you through your situation, so don’t fret.
Jeremiah 29:11 says, ‘for I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you and not to harm you, plans to give you a future’
It fills me with hope, that no matter what I go through, however terrifying, God knows, and He has this master plan for me. He has a plan for you too.
God loves us and he has promised never to leave us. We are not of this world, that is why sometimes things work against us, but praise the Lord for we are more than conquerors; greater is he that is in us than that that is in the world.
The Bible also says that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord will save us from them all. Be encouraged and let his love guide you in every situation.
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